I started a photo a day challenge the end of April. It was inspired by the 365 day challenges that I'd been reading about since the beginning of the new year but I was late jumping on the band wagon so mine is just a photo a day challenge instead of a 365 day challenge. :) I have been having so much fun doing this challenge! Rather than go for an artist theme and attempting to get really good artist type photos I have been aiming for a day in the life type theme with pictures that share something about our days. It's become sort of my photo journal and I'm loving it!
Tonight I discovered the
92 Days of Summer Contest at the YMBD forum and I'm even more excited about it. Part of the challenge for this contest is to take a photo a day, which I'm already doing, and then to do a layout a week using 7 pictures from the seven days of that week. I love the idea!
I'm so glad I found out about this contest. I've been in a big scrapping slump and I'm thinking that this is going to be just the thing to get me out of it.